

A second-generation jeweler, Elizabeth comes from a family of trailblazers in the Native American fine arts world. Her father, Michael Kirk, and her late uncle, Andy Lee Kirk, decided at the beginning of their careers to set themselves apart from other artists by using high-karat gold and others materials considered nontraditional at that time. Today, Elizabeth continues to incorporate materials and techniques not usually seen in Native American jewelry. Her groundbreaking work with the Klier e-coating system has allowed her to breathe new life into designs handed down over the years.

Elizabeth's creations have been featured in both the New York and Washington, DC, American Indian Museum galleries, as well as in the Smithsonian catalog. Nearly 30 years after her father originally started working with the Smithsonian, Elizabeth was able to re-establish her family's relationship with this institution, making their creations once again available to its large, international audience. Continuing to build upon the foundation laid so many years ago, she upholds the tradition of fine jewelry making, blending modern technology with traditional aesthetics.